How to Beat Anyone At Chess Read online






  Avon, Massachusetts



  Preface Where Did It Come From?


  Chapter 1 The Board and the Pieces

  Chapter 2 The Object of the Game

  Chapter 3 En Passant and Other Special Moves

  Chapter 4 Notation—Keeping Track of Your Game


  Chapter 5 The Basics of Strategy in a Chess Game

  Chapter 6 The Importance of the Opening

  Chapter 7 Special Attacks

  Chapter 8 The Next Few Moves

  Chapter 9 Build Your Arsenal of Chess Tactics

  Chapter 10 Dominating the Endgame


  Chapter 11 The World of Competitive Chess

  Chapter 12 Famous Matches and Players

  Appendix A Computerized Chess and Online Resources

  Appendix B Glossary



  A board with sixty-four squares of alternating colors. Thirty-two pieces—sixteen pawns, four rooks, four knights, four bishops, and two kings and queens. Two armies facing one another, poised for combat.

  It looks simple. And yet . . .

  For more than 1,500 years, players have faced one another across the chessboard and fought for victory. As for complexity—well, there are more than 300 billion possible ways to play the first four moves of the game. When you consider the possible combinations of the first ten moves, that number rises to an astounding 169,518,829,100,544,000,000,000,000,000.

  Clearly there is a lot more chess to be played.

  Chess appeals to people from every part of the globe and in every walk of life. It’s been a favorite of kings and queens, of presidents and politicians, as well as of people you meet every day. Today you can find chess players in coffee shops, college dorms, and bars. You can play against someone sitting opposite you or you can battle it out with a player in front of her computer half a world away. You can practice your chess game using an app on your smartphone or laptop. You can play a friendly game with your buddy or challenge yourself and your opponent in a high-stakes timed competition. (There have even been players like the legendary Bobby Fischer, who could play an entire chess game in his head without board or pieces in front of him.)

  Chess sets themselves can be dazzling works of art, their pieces shaped like anything from jewel-encrusted, medieval kings and queens to Homer and Marge Simpson.

  Within this book you’ll find out more about the remarkable story of this game. As well, you’ll learn the basic moves and some points of chess strategy and tactics. (Hint: Control the center of the board!) You’ll discover the biographies of some of the people who have become masters of chess. Finally, you’ll get a glimpse into the world of organized chess and find out how you can become part of it.

  Chess is warfare without bloodshed. It’s one of the best ways ever discovered to sharpen your mind and broaden your experience.

  Your move!


  Where Did It Come From?

  DETERMINING THE ORIGIN OF CHESS can be problematic because the game was not invented out of whole cloth. Rather, it evolved over a long time. Its earliest clear ancestor was a game called chatrang, which emerged in Persia between the fifth and sixth centuries, although some argue that the game’s roots lie even further back, perhaps as early as the third century.

  Chatrang used a sixty-four-square gameboard with thirty-two pieces. Among these pieces were a king, a minister (later replaced by today’s queen), two elephants (in place of today’s bishops), two horses, and two ruhks, the Persian word for “chariots.” There were also eight foot soldiers.

  Chatrang spread across Europe, probably carried along the Silk Road, the network of trade routes that stretched from China to the Mediterranean Sea. Along the way, the movement of some of the pieces gradually changed. The object of the game evolved from what today we would call stalemate to the modern checkmate.

  The greatest change occurred during the eleventh and twelfth centuries when the minister or vizier was replaced by the queen, which during the next several centuries became the most powerful piece on the board. Some researchers have speculated that this change reflected the strong political role played by many medieval queens.

  Once it was firmly established, chess began to be systematically studied. The earliest known chess book was published in 1497: The Art of Chess by Luis Ramírez Lucena. Somewhat better known is a work by his contemporary Ruy López de Segura, who first analyzed the popular opening subsequently named for him.

  Spanish players may have been among the early superstars of the chess world, but as the game made its way across Europe other masters arose in France, Germany, and Italy. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the center of chess shifted to Russia. Particularly under the Soviets, chess became a national sport, heavily subsidized by the government. Chess teams were fielded for international competition and often seemed unbeatable.

  The man who almost singlehandedly broke the Soviet domination of twentieth-century chess was Bobby Fischer, considered by many to be the greatest chess player who ever lived. Fischer, a child prodigy, studied the game intently, memorizing thousands of openings and variations, perfecting tactics that astounded grandmasters. In 1972 he played the top Russian, Boris Spassky, in what was dubbed the “Match of the Century.” In a titanic struggle of twenty-one games, Fischer won. Sadly, after reaching the acme of the chess world, Fischer withdrew from society, becoming an often penniless recluse in Southern California and later abroad. He became an obsessive anti-Semite, his passport was revoked, and he stopped participating in international competition. He died in Iceland in 2008.

  Since Fischer, there have been many great players, such as the Russians Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov. Top chess performers include people such as Judit Polgár, the strongest female player in recorded history, and Magnus Carlsen, the current world champion, who has an official chess rating of 2876 and had the highest rating ever recorded, at 2882. He is also the third-youngest person ever to become a grandmaster, a feat he accomplished at thirteen (the youngest person to do this was Sergey Karjakin, who became a grandmaster at age twelve).

  From its humble origins, chess has spread across the globe. It is truly a universal game.




  The Board and the Pieces

  All right. You’re ready to learn chess. In front of you is the chessboard: a square divided up into sixty-four smaller, equally sized squares alternately colored light and dark. Chessboards come in all sorts of sizes and the squares can be almost any color, but most serious players stick to a standard size of about 16–22" per side with 2–21⁄2" checkered squares.

  Everyone has sixty-four squares to work with. Half of sixty-four is thirty-two. Therefore, here’s your first rule of strategy: If you control thirty-three squares, you will have an advantage. Keep this in mind.

  Here is a diagram of a chessboard. Note the checkered squares, and the light square at the right-hand corner at the bottom.

  Light on Right

  When setting up the chessboard, always make sure a light square is at your lower right corner. Your opponent, who sits opposite you, will also have a light square at his or her lower right corner. (If you prefer, you can think of this as a dark square always being at your left; it works just as well.)


  The material of a chessboard can be almost anything. Wood, plastic, paper, cardboard, and vinyl are common. So long as there are sixty-four alternating light and dark squares, you have a useable board.

  Using All Squares

  In chess, both players use all the squares of the board. This is in contrast to the many versions of checkers, where each player only uses half the squares. It also gives special meaning to the appearance of the chessboard in terms of game planning. There are advanced strategies known as weak-color complexes, where a player cannot get sufficient control of the squares of one particular color. There is even a chess piece that operates on only one color—the bishop.

  Ranks, Files, and Diagonals

  The squares of the chessboard do not exist in isolation. They touch or intersect at various points, creating roads or highways across the board. Straight rows of such squares are called ranks, files, and diagonals.


  As you sit at the chessboard, with a light square at your lower right and a dark square at your lower left, there are eight horizontal rows of eight squares bordering at the sides, stretching from your left to your right. They begin nearest you and wind up nearest your opponent. These rows cover every square on the chessboard, and they are called ranks.

  Rank Names

  Each rank has a name based on how far away it is from you, assuming you are playing the White pieces and your opponent is playing the Black pieces. The rank nearest you is called the first rank. The next rank out is called the second rank, the next the third rank, and so on until you get to the rank nearest your opponent, which is the eighth rank. If you are playing the Black pieces, the rank nearest you is the eighth rank and the rank nearest your opponent is the first rank.

  What Do Ranks Look Like?

  Each rank c
ontains four light squares and four dark squares, which naturally alternate. Each light square borders a dark square, and each dark square borders a light square.

  All ranks are not equal. Notice that the first and eighth ranks each border only one rank, while all the other ranks border two ranks. The edge of the board can be a severe restriction in chess, and the first and eighth ranks represent two of those edges.


  As you sit at the chessboard, with a light square at your right and a dark square at your left, there are eight vertical rows of eight bordering squares stretching from you to your opponent. These rows line up from your left to your right and cover every square of the board. These rows are called files.

  File Names

  Each file has a name beginning with a letter and ending with “file.” Assuming you are ready to play the White pieces, counting from your left the files are the a-file, the b-file, the c-file, and on to the file furthest to your right (the one starting with the light square), which is the h-file.

  Assuming you are ready to play the Black pieces, counting from your left the files are the h-file, the g-file, the f-file, and on to the file furthest to your right (the one starting with the light square), which is the a-file.


  Ranks and files are not the only highways on the chessboard. There are also the diagonals, which are straight lines made up of individual squares that border at the corners rather than at the sides. They extend at an angle rather than straight across or up and down the board.

  There are three main things that distinguish a diagonal from a rank or file:

  Diagonals border at the corners rather than at the sides.

  The number of squares in a diagonal varies from two to eight, whereas ranks and files always contain eight squares each.

  Diagonals consist of squares of one color only, whereas ranks and files always contain an equal mixture of dark and light squares.

  Diagonals don’t have simple, easy-to-remember names like ranks and files do. But they are sometimes named for the first and last square on the diagonal: The longest dark diagonal can be called the a1–h8 diagonal, while the smallest light-square diagonals can be called the h7–g8 diagonal and the a2–b1 diagonal.


  Diagonals border at the corners rather than at the sides of the squares that make them up. This brings up an interesting optical illusion. Look at a chessboard. Consider the a-file and the a1–h8 diagonal. Which is longer?

  If you answered the diagonal, you were right in a strictly geometrical sense, but wrong in a chess sense. Each row contains eight squares, and that means they are the same size for the purposes of a chess game. By the same token, it might look like the b1–h7 diagonal is longer than the b-file. But actually it is the file that is longer! The b-file, like all files, contains eight squares, whereas the b1–h7 diagonal consists of only seven squares.

  Identifying diagonals.


  Thus you can see a very important property of diagonals: They are not even close to being equal. Diagonals are made up of anywhere from two to eight squares. There are four diagonals (two dark and two light) containing two, three, four, five, six, and seven squares, while there are two long diagonals (one dark and one light) that each contain eight squares.


  The most important property of diagonals is that they are all made up of squares of one color. Thus diagonals are limited-access highways compared to ranks and files.


  So far we have learned about four types of roads on the chessboard. If you seem to remember only three, that’s because you are not distinguishing between dark-square and light-square diagonals.

  Any other highways are mostly ephemeral. Thus you can visualize the route a1–a2–a3–a4–b5–c6–d7–e8. Since all squares border, it is definitely a highway. There are several pieces that could indeed travel this route. But it’s actually nothing more than a mixture of the a-file and the a4–e8 diagonal.


  There is just one other type of highway that you need to know about. Because it doesn’t involve bordering squares at all, it’s questionable whether it can even be called a highway. It also has no name. So we will call it rectangular corner, since that describes the road (or obstacle course): Visualize a six-square rectangle anywhere on the chessboard. Now visualize opposite corners of that rectangle. That’s the rectangular corner. This road is bumpy, perhaps, but it’s one you will get to know well.


  To review, the five types of chessboard highways are:



  Dark-square diagonal

  Light-square diagonal

  Rectangular corner


  Not all the squares on a chessboard are created equal, any more than any of the various types of highways are. To begin with, half of them are light and half of them are dark. Of course, there is no essential difference between the dark and light squares.

  The real difference between the various squares comes with their neighbors. How many squares does a particular square have bordering it? That’s what makes some squares more equal than others.


  Those squares that have many bordering squares are in the middle of a metropolis. There are pieces to see, and squares to go to, and activity can be expected to be high. This is simply because there are many different directions that radiate out from such squares.

  For example, take a look at e4. There is the fourth rank, the e-file, and the b1–h7 and h1–a8 diagonals. In addition, the rectangular corners available from e4 are f6, g5, g3, f2, d2, c3, c5, and d6. Count up all the squares on major highways directly available from e4 and you will come up with an astounding thirty-five squares, or more than half the chessboard!


  The geometrical center of the board (comprised of squares e4, d4, e5, and d5) is where the most traffic will take place. The “greater center” of squares, encompassing c3–c6–f6–f3 and back to c3 and the center squares, usually encounters the next busiest activity. This is because these squares lead directly and quickly to anywhere.


  On the other hand, take a look at the edge of the board. Anywhere along the a-file, the h-file, or the first or eighth rank will do. These squares all have some neighbors, but not nearly as many as those in our booming metropolis.

  The Pieces and the Pawns

  Now that you understand the basic features of the chessboard, we’ll move along to the pieces you’ll be playing with. Before we do so, though, it’s important to understand a basic piece of chess terminology:

  Pawns are the small chess pieces with rounded tops (at least in standard chess sets). At the beginning of the game, white pawns sit on the second rank while black pawns are on the seventh rank.

  Pieces are the larger and generally more powerful chess pieces. There are eight of them: king, queen, two bishops, two knights, and two rooks. White’s pieces at the start of a game sit on the first rank while Black’s are on the eighth rank.

  When chess players talk about “pieces,” they’re not talking about all chess pieces (including pawns) but only these eight that are stronger and generally more important.

  All games of chess begin with White making a move. In reply, Black makes a move, and then it’s White’s turn again. The players continue alternating moves until one of a number of situations occurs that ends the game.